We all know that when you first bring your newborn home from the hospital, you can expect to not sleep very well for the coming weeks and months. When can we parents expect to see some light at the end of that sleepless tunnel? The answer is, sooner than you may think. In today’s article, we’re going to cover some of the ins and outs of when you can expect to see your bundle of joy sleeping for longer stretches at a time so that you can have some real hope of getting your nights back. If you have any thoughts on this or any other topic, we would love to hear them! Ping us on social, or in the comments below.
Building Up To That Essential 12 Hours Of Sleep Milestone
Newborns have a lot to deal with in their first few days and weeks outside of the womb. They have to figure out how to eat by using their mouths for the first time vs just getting their food delivered straight into their tummies from mom. They have to learn how to use their eyes, hands and legs – all of this can be overwhelming. They also have to learn how to poop! Additionally, while there is a strong biological drive to sleep, a baby’s sleep in The Early Weeks is very immature. Often, sleep happens in super short bursts.
The good news? Parents can help their baby develop healthy sleep foundations in these Early Weeks. How? By supporting their biology with a series of small adjustments over the first 12-16 weeks of life. Check out our Newborn Consulting Programs or book a free Discovery Call to learn more.
The Sleep Intervals That You Can Expect Over Time
As we mentioned before, every baby is different, so it is difficult to set hard and fast rules regarding sleep duration in your young ones, but here is a general pace at which you can see your baby sleeping for longer and longer amounts.
0-3 months: Nap duration is inconsistent, but can be supported to develop longer. Night sleep begins with 2 to 3 hour intervals, gradually extending to one longer stretch and several shorter stretches as the baby approaches 12 weeks.
4-6 months: Sleep consolidation for naps should begin with some stretches of 6-8 hours during the night.
6+ months: Sleeping through the night (STTN) of 8-12 hours is achievable for most babies.
The answer is roughly 6-12 months of age, or 12 months just to be on the safe side! So, if you are stressed out by the thought that you won’t be able to get a solid night’s rest ever again, just keep in mind that all things being equal, you can be back to a more “normal” sleep schedule within 12 month’s time. Hang in there, new parents, you got this!
Before You Go
We hope you enjoyed learning about when you should expect your baby to sleep for 12 hour stretches at a time overnight. If you would like to know more about this, our sleep learning, consulting or training programs or any of our excellent newborn care services, we are happy to help. Just contact us and we can go over your options and help you find the best path for your little one.
We hope these tips have helped you along your journey. If you have any questions about helping your baby to sleep better, or about your baby in general, please reach out to us HERE. We are experts in all things baby and sleep and would love to help!